Improve the Bottom Line for Your Business

Communication Must be
Understood and Remembered

Business professionals benefit from learning, enhancing, and practicing Effective Communication skills and strategies. In the words of George Bernard Shaw: The biggest problem with communication is the illusion it has taken place.  Learning how to clearly and accurately convey a message reduces misunderstandings and misinterpretations,  improves productivity, creativity, and will lead to an increase in the bottom-line.

An important part of being a successful professional is being an effective communicator.  Honing your communication skills will impact your earning potential and it will impact the organization’s bottom-line.  Being an effective communicator isn’t innate; it is learned and must be practiced. Communication is more than just an exchange of information. It is about learning a skill set; verbal, vocal and non-verbal communication and active and reflective listening. A message is more than your words; it’s how you say them. Only about 7% of your message is your words; the other  93% is non-verbal. 

Basic Training Modules

All training sessions use a hands-on, interactive approach. Participants are engaged in the learning process and are provided with opportunities to practice skills being presented and to reflect on their current practices. 

Sensitivity Training

Bias is a barrier to positive workplace relationships and climate. Building  sensitivity begins with an understanding of your own bias and the bias of your colleagues and clients and how it impacts decision-making, communication, and relationships.

The Other 93%

Understand the key attributes of Effective Communication: Verbal, Vocal and Non-verbal Communication. Understand how learning and processing styles impact communication.

Managing Conflict in the Workplace

Understand how Communication Breakdowns create workplace conflict. Learn strategies to reduce or avoid conflict in the workplace.

Upping Your Professional Image Virtually

Learn the Do’s and Don’ts of video conferencing. Develop the skills needed to look and sound professional on a video call,  nail a video interview, or run a virtual meeting.

Bridging the Gender and Generational Divide

Develop the skills and strategies needed to effectively communicate across the generations. Learn which communication attributes are hard-wired and which ones are based on socialization. Explore gender and generational bias and how it impacts recruitment, hiring, promotions, and retention.

Effective Presentations; How to Make Them Memorable

Learn the key elements of an Effective Presentation: Verbal Skills, Visual Presentation Skills, and Listening Skills.

The Art of Listening: It Can Make or Break a Relationship

Learn and practice Effective Listening using Active Listening Strategies and Reflective Listening Strategies.

Sensitivity Training Modules

Unconscious bias is specifically targeted in these hands-on, interactive training sessions which focus on: decision making, communication, and relationships.

Change can occur when everyone:

  • Understands their own BIAS and the BIAS of others
  • Talks and reflects on BIAS’s impact within their organization and its connection to decision making
  • Is able to freely call out BIAS “When you hear something, say something!”

Deep Dive Bias Training

This is a series of interactive sessions with the purpose of building a broad understanding about the WHAT and WHYS of Conscious and Unconscious Bias and HOW it impacts communication, decision making, and relationships, which is directly linked to building successful organizations.

Conversations Lead to Consensus

The  key to building successful and productive teams is through effective communication. Learn how conversations are the path to building consensus. Understanding how to reach consensus through compromises comes from active listening and an openness to merging everyone’s ideas.

Gender / Generational Bias Training

These sessions will broaden everyone’s understanding about the differences in communication across both gender and generations, how they create barriers, that impact hiring, promotion and retention and strategies to use to bridge the divide.

Review / Adaptation of Hiring Protocols

This begins with a review of current protocols and practices; looking at what might be perceived as BIASED as the first step in attracting Diversity.

The sessions will highlight HOW to attract diverse candidates by looking at the language used when recruiting, whether verbal or written. It’s about heightening awareness of words that send a BIAS message.

It’s also about ensuring the interview process isn’t biased; ‘how to post and promote opportunities, which will ensure inclusion and equity.

Customer Feedback

“Thank you for being such a great addition to our Turn Around Management Network of Women in New York. You added so much value; it was much appreciated.”

“I will always recommend and keep you in mind.  You do a great job, are relatable and effective.”

Mike Morgan
Platform to Employment

“This is the best workshop I have ever attended! “

Dressed for Success Participant

“What a great workshop! I learned so much, especially about how to be a more effective listener. I tended to ‘jump to conclusions’ and not really listen to what others were saying. Improving my listening skills is something I’m going to work to improve now that I have learned some strategies.”

Workshop Participant
Visiting Nurse Services (Westchester)

“I valued Peggy’s honesty and willingness to listen to our views.”

Workshop Participant, Cooperative Educational Services

“Thanks for returning to speak at the Bryant Women’s Summit for a second year. We value your participation.”

Kati Machtley
Director, Women’s Summit